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The suspicious death of Marilyn Monroe !!

If you did not know Marilyn Monroe was a beautiful American actress and model and icon of her time. She was known for her platinum blonde hair and her beautiful bold red lipstick but behind her beauty, she was suffering from depression and anxiety. It was also alleged that she had an affair with the president at the time John F. Kennedy as well as his brother  Robert F. Kennedy (also known as Bobby) though this has never been confirmed.

Her death was considered a suicide but many factors have shown that this may not have been the case. So on the day of her death, it was considered that she acted how she would normally act and nothing out of the ordinary happened, to be considered as a reason why she would take her life. On that day, in particular, she saw her publicist, her housekeeper, a photographer and her psychiatrist amongst other activities she would normally do during the day. 

Marilyn Monroe's mother suffered from mental issues and was institutionalised into a mental hospital while Marilyn was growing up.  This caused Marilyn to be moved around many foster homes as a child and due to hereditary factors, she also suffered from mental illness as her mother did.  

On the day of her death on August 5th 1962 at 4:30 pm she had a session with her psychiatrist it was said that he would see her very often as she was suffering from many mental issues the session was said to have ended at 7 pm (which is a very long time for a session). After the session ended her psychiatrist had a word with her housekeeper and told her to 'keep an eye on Marylin and to watch over her' this is something that he did not normally do after seeing her.

Then at 8 pm, she decided to go to her room she then had a phone call with her friend who was also an actor and the brother in law of the president at the time John F. K,  Peter Lawford. He was inviting her over to attend his party that night and he said that during the phone call he could tell that something didn't feel right as he described her speech as slurred and she sounded as if she had been drugged. He also said that her last words were 'Say goodbye to Pat, Say goodbye to the President and say goodbye to yourself because you're a nice guy'. After those words, the phone call was disconnected and he was not able to reach her again (she was possibly dead at that point). Peter Lawford then decided to call his agent,  then the agent called her psychiatrist and he decided to call her lawyer and then eventually after all those calls the phone call to her house was made (which is obviously VERY strange?!! wouldn't that be the first thing they would do to see if she was okay). 

(Peter Lawford & Marilyn Monroe)

When the phone call was made the housekeeper Eunice Murray answered the phone call she then went to check up on Marilyn and found her nude on the bed and it was obvious right away that she was dead.

An autopsy conducted by Dr. Thomas Noguchi showed that Marilyn  had overdosed on sedative drugs which could have been used to commit suicide. Suicide was the most popular cause of death for the star. A report from the coroner's findings showed that 'Miss Monroe has suffered from psychiatric disturbances for a very long time. On more than one occasion..... when disappointed or depressed she has made a suicide attempt, on these occasions, she had been rescued. It is our opinion the same pattern was repeated, except for the rescue'. Although this statement had some truth behind it not everyone brought it as Marilyn allegedly had many secrets.

Hiding something?

Something that happened which was strange was that if she did indeed overdose on pills then surely traces of the pills would have been found during the autopsy and this was not the case as no traces of any pills where found.

This sparked suspicion of there being more behind her death and also a large amount of evidence of her last hours had been destroyed or 'never found'.  The official most known story states that her house keeper called Marilyn's psychiatrist and when he had arrived to the house he entered the bathroom widow, saw her body on the bed he then broke the window ad found her face down, with her phone in her hand, personally this sounds really strange and odd not to mention that other reports say that ' the ambulance took her body to Santa Monica Hospital, she then passed away at the hospital'. This caused confusion and flaws in the story suggesting that someone is hiding something.

There were many speculations of the president at the time and his brother both having a secret affair with Marilyn and that top president secrets (such as information about aliens, secret planets, cloning and various other secrets you will only know if you are elected the president of the United States) may have been accidentally revealed to her during their secret meetings during both affairs with the two brothers. The rumour is that when she was rejected by both of them, she could have possibly threatened to go public with the affairs and the presidential secrets. 

Speculation about her having an affair with the president at the time was also enhanced by a video of her signing happy birthday to the president which I will link below. 

 Evidence showed that there was evidence of Bobby Kennedy being in California during the same weekend of her death and Marilyn was in her LA home meaning that he was not far from her location. This sparked suspicion that he could have had something to do with her death and maybe even ordering her death and because of the large time frame between her death and when the ambulance was finally called this could have been done purposely in order to give Bobby time to get away or have his alleged hired hit-man get away from the scene.

Others say that the Mafia could of have something to do with it, to possibly frame the Kennedy brothers or to shut Marilyn up as she could have wanted to even expose secrets relating to the Mafia and they could have even been the hit-men Bobby decided to hire. 

So what really happened to the beauty?

Because there were so many cracks in how she died, even if she did have an overdose that lead to her death, why was so much of it covered up from evidence being 'lost' or destroyed in the process. Will we ever know what happened to the blonde beauty either way, her legacy lives strong and she seemed like a beautiful women inside and out dealing with the negative side of fame and metal illness and failed love. (she was soooo beautiful).



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